Apple Macintosh Business Solutions | Daylite Training & Support

contact us 518-794-6448

Getting started

Daylite CRM Beginnings
The process and parts to get started

Our Fast Five to Effective Daylite CRM Assessment

1. Telephone conversation to identify your business needs and goals. Call 518.794.0705

2. Review your procedures and documentation to develop the Daylite digital counterpart. Email

3. Review tutorial videos pertinent to your questions and relevant to your stage in the assessment process.
We’ll Send you the Links or you may find them on this page.

4. Signup for or join a 1-to-1 or webinar. Confirm with one of our team.

5. Download, install and get familiar with your free 30-day fully-functional trial. Once your 30-day trial is up, we can help you get the license(s) you need and get them installed on your server for you.
We’ll point you in the right direction or you can download them from this page.

You now have a foundation to take full advantage of your free 30-day fully-functional trial.
And for all the unknowns and IT - you have Orion. It just works!

Finally, welcome to the Daylite and Orion family. We'll add your licenses to Daylite and be there when you need.

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